If You Solve 1/3 of These Smartest Riddles, Tell Your Friends You’re a Genius - LifeHackIf You Solve 1/3 of These Smartest Riddles, Tell Your Friends You’re a Genius - LifeHack


Last night there was a Christmas party at the bar ‘Snowman’. By 2 pm all the alcohol had been finished and the visitors began to drift away. A group of friends said goodbye to Maya when she left. That was the last time anyone ever saw her. Her body has been found near the bar this morning. The police arrived at the crime scene. After examining the body, the detective interviewed three suspects: Ryan, Kylie, and Jack.

Ryan said: When she left, I went to the bathroom.

Kylie said: I ordered one more beer at the bar.

Jack said: I was talking to the girl, I had just met.

Who killed Maya?

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