youtubers make per million views in full proof
Before we go into this article first, I will simply tell you about how to make money on YouTube.
1) Google AdSense
2) Sponsorship
3) Item Sell
Google AdSense is one of the most popular of these. But even if you don’t know it, you can find twice as much as Google AdSense from sponsorships.
We first talk about sponsorship and Second how much AdSense subscribers pay per millions
YouTube Sponsorships
YouTube sponsorships are very important for youtube users. Because we can make three times as much money from sponsorships as Google AdSense.
youtubers make per million views in full proof
There are big companies in any country. So we promote their brand (we call it Sponsorships)
What do we need to do to get sponsorships? I will tell you about it. If you want to get sponsorships, you first need to increase the quality of your channel by hundreds of thousands of times.
The reason for saying that is that there are more YouTubers in Sri Lanka at the moment.
So not only that but these things change for your category as well
So sponsoring one of our videos is called YouTube sponsorships. So if a sponsorship
* We can put this information in a slide of our video (sponsorships details)
* Or we can verbally say that we are sponsoring
This is simply called Sponsorships.
How much does a YouTube subscriber actually pay for a million subscribers?
Indian Youtuber
youtubers make per million views in full proof
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